Sunday, April 29, 2012

A K8 Revelation: InTheMinute

I'm a big fan of reveling in "the present."  People don't do that often enough, so I make a point to really recognize when something is great as I'm experiencing it. Consequently, I've come up with my own new moniker of ITM or "In the Minute" to describe these lovely realizations of wonderment.  I've never liked the phrase " the moment'" because it's usually used as a guilt-ridden defense of an action that typically involves lying or cheating, eg. "...I never would've bought the bright orange lipstick, but I was 'caught up in the moment!'" or "...kissing him was just a result of being 'swept away in the moment!'"  Poor 'moments' - these hopeless pleas give them a bad name.  Hence my preference for "minute."  And did you ever notice how those "moments" always last way more than 60 seconds (maybe it's the guilt-laden regret that typically follows)?  

Conversely, the "minute" I'm referring to really is taking advantage of  It's a trade-off of something mundane or obligatory (say...working out, cleaning your toilet, buying groceries), for something more whimsical and instantly gratifying, like having a glass of champagne at 2pm, reading a trashy book in the sun, writing in your journal, or mixing vintage with designer, aka what I like to call the "Anthropologie Catalog Effect" - come on, you know you've envied that lifestyle - why not live it, even if just a little bit.  And whatever it is, you should never feel guilty about it.

So next time you can't get motivated to work out, don't give it a second thought.  Instead, be In The Minute and paint your nails neon pink, take a mid-afternoon nap, or watch an old episode of SATC because those minutes really WILL be gone in 60 seconds.  And as one wise woman said, "Life is short. Buy the shoes."  Amen, sister!

(Stay tuned for future ITM postings because making excuses is so much easier when I have "validation" from my friends).

1 comment:

  1. Love the "In the Minute" philosophy and look forward to more posts!
