Saturday, September 10, 2011

Nailed It!

Just how many cotton balls does it take to fully remove "Chick Flick Cherry" or "Cajun Shrimp" from 10 fingernails or 10 toenails?  Typically, way too many.  And there's nothing worse than all those icky, wadded-up cotton corpses smelling up your trash.  Aren't you "Fed Up"?? 

I started using Cle de Peau Le Coton a few years ago to take off makeup, but I soon discovered that it's "Braziliant" for removing nail polish as well!  I literally only use ONE cotton square for all 10 fingers or toes (okay, maybe two if it's "Lincoln Park After Dark").  Sure, it's a bit pricey and seems like "Mucho Dinero" at $20 for a box of cotton, but it usually lasts for six months.  Plus, the squares are "Flawless" in that they don't leave stray bits of cotton stuck to your cuticles or eyelashes, and you can just feel that it's higher quality cotton (it comes in a very elegant box and is called "Le Coton" after all). 
Magic K8 Ball Says: 8 = Gotta Have It!

As for polish remover, your smelly stand-by needs a "Curtain Call."  I highly recommend Deborah Lippman's The Stripper - not only is it a fun name and has a nice lavender scent, but you'll be "Sew Psyched" by its ingenious pump that you'll never use too much at once. And when you pair it with Le Coton, you can truly kiss your "Chubby Cheeks" goodbye and will definitely live "Happily Ever After."
Magic K8 Ball Says: 8 = Gotta Have It!

And yes - all of the pithy quoted phrases above are real nail polish colors.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Leaving My Fashion Footprint on Our Youth (A K8 Flashback)

Originally published September 26, 2007
Update: My nephews are now 9, and my niece is 14, and they ALL definitely still know what Prada means to Aunt Kate.

A recent conversation between my 5-year-old nephew, Riley, and my sister-in-law, Amanda...

Amanda: So how was school today? (Riley started Kindergarten this year)
Riley: Fine...Miss B. wears "those shoes with the..." (indicating high heels with his fingers)
A: You mean high heels?
R: Yeah, those!
A: Were they like Aunt Kate's?
R: Mmm, no...they weren't Prada.
A: Well how did you know they weren't Prada?
R: I just know.
A: But you'd only know if you saw the inside of her shoe.
R: I did see the inside of her shoe - sometimes Miss B. just wears her piggy-toes around the class room.

How I love kid-speak!
Even more, I love that I've already had such a profound fashion impact on my nephews.  Thank God I also have a niece, and anytime she smells leather now says all dreamily, "Mmmm...smells like Prada!"

See, if more kids learned about fashion in their formative years, there would simply be no war, famine, global warming, nor panty lines.