Magic K8 Ball Says

Obviously, I'm a pushover for good Marketing - why else would I actually test and try so many new "life-altering, age-defying, must-have, new-and-improved, gotta-have-it" retail gems? Hence, my official rating system, The Magic K8 Ball, from 8 (highest) to 1 (lowest):

8: Gotta Have It! (A proven winner through repeated success or out-of-the-gate awesomeness)

7: Signs Point to Yes (Just short of perfect, and definitely worth a try)

6: Outlook Good (A solid performance but I've seen better)

5: Pretty Sure (Above average, but okay if you skip it)

4: Result Hazy, Ask Again Later (Too soon tell; need more time)

3: Not So Much (Below average but not a total loser)

2: Don't Count on It (Pretty crummy; $ better spent on an overpriced latte)

1: What A Joke! (Overrated and complete waste of good shoe money)