Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Feeling Moved...Sort Of

Sorry for the recent hiatus, but moving your entire life to another state takes a lot of time, unbelievable patience, and the ability to summon your sense of humor in an instant. That, and a huge amount of carbs, wine, and concealer (in no particular order).  Needless to say, I'm thrilled that Eddie and the Weiners are all here with me now, and the weather is truly amazing in Seattle, but I fear my waistline has seriously suffered (even now as I take a long overdue day off, I've chosen to watch a Gossip Girl marathon vs oh, I dunno, DOING ANYTHING REMOTELY PHYSICAL). That said, here's a quick summary of some recent discoveries, learnings, and general musings...enjoy!
  • Boxed wine can be quite good. Bagged wine, however...not so great.
  • Puppy breath can sometimes be more comforting than fresh cookies. 
  • Reverting back to Jr High and making friendship bracelets is a really good way to keep hands busy and out of the cookie jar (for those of us who've tried knitting and still don't get it).
  • Seeing really fit people can be really motivating. Or make you feel really fat. 
  • Clinique Even Better Eyes Dark Circle Corrector is like using La Mer - you have no idea if it's really working, but it feels really nice and pamper-y and works really well under concealer (without the hefty price tag).
  • The Seattle housing market currently stinks. Thank God Ed and I have traded in high standards for convenience until we find a house, townhouse, condo...RV...tent (nothing like two adults and three dogs in 550 sq ft on rented furniture - from The Mole Hole to Motel 5).
  • Having only 1/4 of my wardrobe has inspired many new outfits. And caused no less than four missed buses in the morning. 
  • Living without a DVR has made me appreciate time management, good commercials (there actually are some!), and allowed me to drop a LOT of crap shows ("Hart of Dixie" isn't one of them - Rachel Bilson is just so darn cute AND stylish! Damn her).
  • Seeing the sun set on the lake only 3 blocks away is truly beautiful. 
  • Having a coffee shop only one block away is truly beautiful. 
  • "Gossip Girl" really was a good show in the earlier seasons. 
Happy school-supplies-season and stay tuned on my FB for fun updates from NY market trips over the next two weeks, including The Dream Ball (yes, it's real, and yes, a new dress is in order don't ya think?).