Saturday, August 17, 2013

NYFW, Here I Come!

As always, apologies for my delay in posting, but my new role at work has kept me quite busy as I prep for NY Fashion Week in September (yes, I'm quite excited, and thankful I'll mostly be backstage because that means dressing in all black and wearing flat, i.e. comfy, boots...albeit cool, moto-inspired ones).  

Since I don't have to invest in stunning designer clothes, I decided I MUST invest in a fantastic handbag that would help me navigate the sea of models, makeup artists, and fabulous people while simultaneously toting my "essentials" (water, granola bar - no time for food breaks - notepad, phone, trusty lip gloss(es), sunglasses, and back-up battery charger - I'm assuming all outlets are taken by high-powered hairdryers, flat irons, and fancy wind machines). 

So I decided to make a statement by investing in the Givenchy Pandora, and she manages to make me feel supremely fashionable, (even on the 358 bus that transports quite the variety of Seattlites and passes the pink elephant car wash).  She has an awesome slouchy feel with two zipper pockets, cross-body or shoulder strap, and is pretty!  She's my biggest investment yet, but as my friends assured me, "Kate, she's not a purse...she's ART."  Trust me, when you're ready to invest in an amazing bag (or shoes, or skin care), I can promise it's worth every penny.  Cross(body) my 'art' and hope to die...

Check out the Beauty Blog on for an upcoming post on my NYFW 'must-pack' beauty essentials!  (I'll also be posting during NYFW and going forward, so continue to check back!).

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Fashion Jargon - Commuter Version

Bus Blog (Aurora Ave and Mercer)...

One of my favorite fashion sayings ever was by Ken Downing when he presented the Fall trends a few years back, and although I don't remember the designer, the trend, or even the complete sentence, I will never forget the phrase that I've now heard numerous times in my crazy retail fashion and beauty life: "...a classic aesthetic juxtaposed with chic modernity." What a yummy mix of high-scoring scrabble words!

So my commuter version today is my Gucci shoes in a Marni handbag (scored at a sample sale right around the time of aforementioned Ken presentation), wearing my Merona flats from Target, as I sit on the icky 358 bus home. I like to think I'm juxtaposing fashion sense and sensibility with unparalleled public transit odor.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Beauty of Organization

Who knew my little ole' (re)organized beauty drawer would inspire a Nordstrom blog post and over 470 Repins & 167 Likes on Pinterest??  (My uber-organized sister would be so proud!). One of the best things about moving is having to reassess all your beauty products, toss the junk (when did I ever think bright green eye shadow would be flattering?), clean the brushes, and get it all organized.  Beauty Spring Cleaning

Needless to say, I also have four Kosta Boda glass jars on my bathroom counter top holding more brushes, mascaras, eyeliners, and lip glosses.  So take the chance to do a little of your own spring cleaning because a pretty drawer makes for a beautiful face!

Friday, March 1, 2013

I'm Cheating.

(Bus Blog Posting...46th & Phinney Ave.)

I admit it. I'm cheating on my beloved Cle de Peau Concealer. (Pause for gasp). Don't get me wrong, I haven't ended it completely with Cle, and I don't plan to, but I've discovered Napolean Perdis concealer, and he, well...fulfills different needs.  He's very effective without a base/under eye cream, provides great coverage, and comes in one kooky color that's slightly intimidating but super easy to use (no surprise it's called "The One").  A little goes a long way so tap it in lightly, and the coverage is amazing. 

I've decided he's my weekend man, so it's really more of a fling vs an affair. And since it's all about concealing, no one will ever know...

Napolean Perdis "The One" Concealer 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

I'm Still Here!

Once again, I've neglected my little blog more than my hair length (which is dangerously close to growing "Carol Bradys" in back). So I hope you won't mind my new approach - bus blogging. Now that we're in a house, I have at least 20 min on the bus each way. So I'll keep these short (and thankfully you can't enjoy the various odors I'm exposed to on public transit).

I just made a quick (okay, not so quick) shoe purchase with my new shoe guy, Mark, and he enlightened me further about designer shoes and who's actually worth the investment. According to my new guru, if you're laying down the coin, go for Gucci, YSL, Prada, Celine, or Valentino. They're all well-made, reliable fashion houses, and wear well over time. Needless to say, I went in to try on Alexander Wang (pretty but not so much on me - curse of a flat foot), and I came out with Gucci.  Beautiful black pumps with a hint of sexy platform and (gasp!) a rounded toe - not typical for me, but I'm loving the change!

Bus stop is approaching so must dash, but til next time, put a lip balm in a pocket of every coat (Dad's tip that's saved me countless times), and step up to a designer shoe in 2013 - investment "peace" indeed.