Saturday, July 28, 2012

Absence Makes the Heart...Become Really Patient!

Months apart: 7
Random snowfalls endured: 1
Flights in last seven months: 22+
Airlines traveled: 5
Cups of coffee drunk: 180+
Glasses of wine consumed: countless
Pounds lost and regained: 9
Pairs of shoes purchased: 6
Lipsticks acquired: too many to count
Square footage of house I left: 2200
Square footage of current apartment: 550
Number of weiner dogs severely missing: 3
Weeks since I've seen Eddie and the Weiners: 9
Days left until I see them: 6
Knowing we survived it, learned from it, and even enjoyed parts of it: Priceless

Sunday, July 8, 2012

ITM: Sunny Disposition

In The Moment enjoying very bearable sunshine (while the rest of the country cranks the AC to "please-don't-make-me-have-to-shower-a-third-time-today"). After six months of mostly overcast days (which I prefer to think of as "filtered sun"), this self-tan expert gladly welcomes and sooo appreciates a perfect 80ish day and starting a new book ("The Night Circus" - so far, really beautifully written and seriously intriguing. Yes, movie rights have already been bought. Yea!).

Here's to sunny days ahead...even if they're a little filtered.