Thursday, January 19, 2012

Winter Wardrobing 101

As you know, part of my Seattle hazing has included one of the worst snow and ice storms in the city's history. As a result, I've had to work from home (translation: been apartment-bound) for the past 48 hours. And while I do enjoy "me" time, I'M even tired of me when there's only 600 sq ft to explore. So I forced myself to venture outside (and resisted the urge to sled down the hill with the neighborhood kids since my health benefits don't kick in til February). Keep in mind, my winter wardrobe is still not quite "wear" I want it to be (the ridiculous earflap hat is just a stand-in until mom finishes a real knitted one), but ya can't go wrong with a black wool coat (Banana Republic, three employee discounts ago), black patent rain boots (Neiman's sample sale circa 2009), and my trusty Hungarian etsy bag. The overall look is actually not too shabby...and certainly Northwest chic.

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