You've seen the commercials - some mysterious colored liquid is squeezed into a glass of water as if the evil stepmother poured it out of her poisonous ring (it basically looks like fancy food coloring that you really only see during egg-dyeing season). The voice-over proceeds to explain how this fancy new liquid will add flavor to plain ole' boring water without adding calories or other unneccesary junk. Hmm, I think...(picture thought bubble over my head)...I don't love drinking water but know I should drink more - maybe this is just what I need!
The fancy liquid is called Mio and comes in a neat little squirt bottle in six different flavors, so I picked up the Berry Pomegranate flavor at my local Target (that one sounded the tastiest, plus it's purple which is my fave). I have to say, it's kinda fun squirting it into your glass, and you can add a little or a lot - it doesn't take much to liven up boring water. Best of all, it really tastes like "adult Kool-Aid!" (only without the fun Kool-Aid dude busting through your wall).
I don't love that it uses Sucralose (it can sometimes leave an after-taste) but that's probably the worst thing about it. For $3.99 a pop, I'll definitely try the other flavors. Hey, whatever helps me chug more agua and makes me look cool without being poisoned, I'm in.
Mio Fun Liquid Stuff
Magic K8 Ball Says: 7 = Signs Point to Yes (Just short of perfect, and definitely worth a try)
ha! I've been wondering about this stuff. I like the packaging. Had a fear that 5 years later something would come back to haunt me like that Olestra (sp?) stuff on potatio chips. I'll probably try it though.