Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Tall Drink of Water

I admit it - I don't like drinking water.  It's boring and has no taste.  So trying to ensure I get all my "super healthy" water to "cleanse out the toxins" and make my skin "glow like I'm lit from within" is indeed a challenge.  You know I've tried the Mio (not a bad option), and I've learned to like tea (it's blasphemy not to drink iced tea in Texas, and God love my little Keurig for hot tea), but remembering to partake at work is such a chore.  I shun plastic water bottles (mostly because Seattle is WAY green), "reusable" restaurant cups are always sweaty (not to mention I really don't need my fellow colleagues knowing I ate at Lil' Woody's), and the plastic cups in the office kitchen are the size of shot glasses.  What's a girl to do??  Enter the Tervis tumbler.

I first saw the Tervis in a magazine ad (yes, traditional print media still actually works, especially for a marketing sucker like me).  Then my sister endorsed it as well ("You know K8, you can buy those at Bed, Bath & Beyond.") which always means it's a winner.  Basically, the Tervis is a "smart cup" that's insulated for hot or cold drinks, knows which is which, and it absolutely does not sweat!  Plus, you can order it in all sorts of fun colors, prints, or even customize it ("Drink More Water K8!").  It comes in a few different sizes, so I'd suggest at least the 16 oz, even though the 24 oz is more practical (all the 16 oz does make me get up more often and walk to the kitchen to refill it, so a little activity is probably good).  The 8 oz is basically worthless unless you need an expensive sippy cup for your kiddo.
They're not cheap (16 oz size with a lid was around $20), but so far, it's been 100% worth it.  Not only do I have a sleek purple cup on my desk that doesn't leave a soggy mess behind, but I'm also a little more motivated to keep refilling it and drinking up. And worst case, you just bought yourself a cute M&M's holder.

Magic K8 Ball Says:7 (Outlook Good)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Winter Wardrobing 101

As you know, part of my Seattle hazing has included one of the worst snow and ice storms in the city's history. As a result, I've had to work from home (translation: been apartment-bound) for the past 48 hours. And while I do enjoy "me" time, I'M even tired of me when there's only 600 sq ft to explore. So I forced myself to venture outside (and resisted the urge to sled down the hill with the neighborhood kids since my health benefits don't kick in til February). Keep in mind, my winter wardrobe is still not quite "wear" I want it to be (the ridiculous earflap hat is just a stand-in until mom finishes a real knitted one), but ya can't go wrong with a black wool coat (Banana Republic, three employee discounts ago), black patent rain boots (Neiman's sample sale circa 2009), and my trusty Hungarian etsy bag. The overall look is actually not too shabby...and certainly Northwest chic.

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Gym Dilemma

New job, check. New apartment, check. New boots, check. New gym...not so much. 

Sure, I can blame it on the west coast's ridiculously early sunset (darkness descends at 4:45), or my "I'm still getting settled" excuse, but I'm running out of reasons to not visit the very cool gym across from my office building. Watching all those fit people cycle and run on fancy machines does have a certain appeal (and very significant guilt factor). Plus, I realize that my short, albeit brisk walks to the bus stop do not abs of steel make. So it's time to suck it up and get the free-week pass. But for over $100/month, will I really even USE the climbing wall?  Seems I also need to check out the slightly cheaper gym closer to my apartment (which also happens to be next to a Trader Joe's, so I figure at least 45 minutes at the gym earns me some black licorice Scottie dogs or peanut butter-filled pretzel bites, right?). Hmm, if they also give me a free week, I just might be able to put off actually joining a gym for another month or so.

Of course, I hear it may snow this weekend, so maybe I'll just do another plank on my industrial carpet, follow it up with some wall squats, and settle in with a bottle of red for my much-loved Golden Globes on Sunday night.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Rockin Elmer Fudd Style

One of my first discoveries during OD2S (Operation Dallas to Seattle): earflap hats are a MUST. Sure, they keep your ears warm (esp at a windy bus stop), but more importantly, it's totally part of the required Seattle fashion vernacular. Thank God my mom is the best hat-knitter in the South so I've already commissioned one ASAP! Who knew huntsman fashion could be so chic? No bunny harm required.