Have you ever noticed that "Kates" tend to be outgoing, confident, and dare I say...feisty? Or as my dad has always described me, "A pushy little broad" (Can't you tell from this picture? Yes, I'm the tiny one who's clearly running the whole photo shoot).

I think great Kates can be traced back to "Taming of the Shrew" and Shakespeare's original stubborn Kate in all her assertive sassy-ness. That said, I'm still very proud to be a Kate* - I think it's something about the one-syllable and that it rhymes with so many words...
It must be fate that Kate is never late for a date at 8 with her great mate in the Lone Star state. However, I cannot say I'm thrilled about Ms. Cate Blanchett now requiring people to ask me for the spelling of my name. Seriously?! Kate starts with a K, not a C! (Although I really do like her, and she fits the "Kate" description quite well herself).
Clearly, Kate Middleton has brought much attention to the name as well, and she does have fabulous style. To check out her daily outfits, visit this fun little site:
For a quick read about other great Kates, check this out:
* Okay, technically, I'm a Kathryn and was a Katie as a child, but ever since my teen years, I'm a one-syllable girl, so say it like you mean it.